Thursday, January 18, 2007

HNT #3 – Piercing

I think I've spoken about this in a previous post, but I'm a total piercing junky. I love the feeling of going to the piercing parlor, sitting in that chair and feeling a needle poke through my skin. Ok...that sounds a little creepy... From the age of twelve on, all I wanted was to get a piercing. Then I got my first piercing, an industrial in my left ear. This was the second piercing; I did the rook because I had just gotten my first gig directing a movie. It was a big deal and I wanted to commemorate the event.

(Yet another pic on vacation...I'm guessing they were tired...phew!)

Since the rook, I've gotten others. I had my tongue pierced for about 3 years, my nipples (although that was WAY too intense for me) and now my sternum. I'm thinking about getting the tongue done again...but then again, I might do a naughty piercing before I do that one again...only time will tell...

There's this weird thing that happens when I get a new piercing, I feel so strong, so sexy, so beautiful. I think I'm not the only one who feels that way though, which is comforting! I tried the tattoo thing but really, one was more than enough for me. I guess that there are tattoo people and there are piercing people, just like the whole cat and dog thing! I know this isn't a wickedly sexy piercing or anything risqué, but I think that it's subtlety is quite representative of me. On that note...

Happy HNT!

You can go see who else is getting half-nekkind by clicking here!

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