Monday, December 25, 2006

The Christmas Blues

The hardest part about my first Christmas as a single gal is that I miss the Christmas cuddles...I think that if at one given moment I'd take back my would be it. I feel so alone...I try to feel better seeing my family around me, but mine isn't a family where one feels safe, it actually makes me feel isolated and alone..That's what's nice about having men around though...and that's why I miss my man friends. They always manage to make me feel safe and special even if it's not a "special friendship". Man, I think I have an*sigh* what else is new...

Anyhow, my plan for Christmas is the neverending family brunch, full of hypocrisies and fake laughter followed by movie watching. It kinda sucks when all my friends, who actually are more of my family than the ones I share blood with, are in super Christmassy families...this is kinda the time of year where you need those who are close to your heart, even if it's just to hang around and watch John Hughes movies while eating junk food like pigs. for thought I guess...

Happy Christmas

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