Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday depression

I know I make it sound super bad, but it's true that during the holidays this year, I'm feeling a little down. It's the first time in 4 years that I'm going to wake up on Christmas morning all alone. I don't know how I'm going to feel but I think that I'll manage to do something fun and to keep on smiling.

I've also decided to give up on the crush. I know I can't just do it like that...but I think that I can manage to let go a little. I'm just going to keep on being cool old me and just step on my ego a little. I think that there are probably oodles of men out there who would be great for me. It is true though that I don't have the worlds most amazing confidence, but regardless, I make an effort to feel better about myself. I have a very long road ahead of me, that I know, but I think that it's all about the little things that are going to help me feel confident as time goes by. Someone once said that "you must love yourself before you can love anyone else". I think that makes's important to be your own priority before you can make someone else yours...hmmm...I guess that's food for thought...


Cain said...

Change is good.

Glad to see you're still here.

Take care, miss.


Cain said...

What happened??

~~and, I thought I was flighty!~~

hope you're okay.
