Saturday, December 30, 2006

A whole new year…

Tomorrow is New Years Eve...I didn't see this year pass, what with it being so...crappy. Not just in a regular crappy fashion, this year has had it's share of break-ups and deaths and personal drama moments...Let's just say that 2007 should be a walk in the park compared to the last 6 months or anyways, let's just say that that's my new year wish.

Plans for ringing in 2007... Fondue with friends and watchig Sex and the City. Yes, I'd rather get an enema than do this, but if I stay at home, I feel that I may just sit in my bed and cry and hold the cat and cry some more. This isn't a valid option. The only other solution I found would be to go out alone...on new years...don't think so. So...rather than stay home with mom and dad...I'll be hanging out with a gay couple and two girlfriends...woo...hoo..(I'm sure you can hear the trepidation in my tone...).

Resolutions for 2007...get new Other than just smiling everyday, I've resolved to stop being so fucking nice to everyone around me. I'm a little to compliant with my entourage. I guess it just comes down to being more inclined to making myself the priority. This year is all about me. me! Me. mE. ME! So...yes. Let's make this the year of MOI!

To you and yours, have a safe, happy and kinky new year!

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